Saturday, May 11, 2013

Playing In Competitive Minecraft Tournaments

By Mona Moody

Joining Minecraft tournaments is a good choice for new and old players of the game. There are many different ways for gamers to test their skills and talents by competing with one another from across the world. Building competitions and obstacle courses make for great gaming. Everything from celebrities to other video game characters can be built and graded.

There are plenty of ways to find the perfect Minecraft game. Larger groups typically form out of online news websites or forums, where there is always a dedicated stream of both new and veteran players. Casual games are usually for fun and practice for larger tournaments. To advertise a large game, server operators and moderators of forums can post a thread about it or email members.

Owners of a server, called server operators, are the boss and overseer of the game. Enacting house rules works to prevent cheating and also to handicap more experienced players who might try and take advantage of their status. Being able to see what everyone is doing makes it easy for owners to ban cheaters and people who are knowingly breaking the game rules.

A popular and common challenge is the building challenge. This game is perfect for creative types who are into designing and creating projects in game. While each tourney has their own objectives, most involve creating a virtual home or giant representation of a famous person or video game character. Pop culture references are a surefire way to garner attention to building contests. Verification comes in the form of the file, or "seed", which allows server operators to check that all rules were in place.

Aside from the more common, basic methods of play, larger scale tournaments can get really complex. The difficulty of participation means that only the most competitive players will even attempt to join the game. These make for great spectacles, however, and most are livestreamed to an audience of thousands. Building a very specific piece, such as a calendar, is not as simple as a basic pop culture icon. It often involves a lot of design and personal creativity to get to the top prize category.

Obstacle courses make for great fun, and can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours. Time limits ensure that players are going as fast as they can. Top prizes are given to the first or fastest course runners.

Server support is a great way for experienced and competitive players to ensure that they always have a safe and fun place to play games. T-shirts and accessories can be purchased and shipped to buyers, as well as online credits such as building materials, weapons, and custom names. Buying in-game materials can help newer players get an edge over their more experienced rivals.

The personal benefit of Minecraft tournaments is that they are not only competitive, but great fun for new and old players. Both creative types and hardcore veterans can enjoy a large tournament, if only to better their own skills and techniques. Workshops before and after a tourney can help new players who are struggling with certain objectives.

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